Thursday, March 18, 2010


So I've been wondering...Catholic piety requires one to abstain from sexual activity in order to be a leader in the Catholic Church. But...repressing healthy sexuality will only lead to the rise of unhealthy sexuality as far as I'm seeing... right? Years ago, in my first [Intro to] Psychology course the professor told us a story about a Muslim man who moved out of his predominantly Islamic country of origin to a more liberal 'western' country. He was taught to repress his sexual urges etc...but when he moved to the western world, and sexuality was everywher, he had a little more trouble. He found it harder to look away, and he eventually developed physical and emotional symptoms that he could not explain (they were essentially in response to the repression of his feelings). He got headaches, a nervous twitch, he was overwhelmed with guilt, became depressed...anyone want to take a stab at what would eliminate these symptoms? Well his case it would probably be a little more complicated because it's been engrained that he should repress and feel guilty about his own sexuality. But nonetheless, an acceptance or a release of sorts would probably eliminate his symptoms...learning to accept his sexuality as opposed to consciously repressing it at all times.

I've been thinking about this for two reasons. One, I just finished studying Compulsive Sexual Behaviours - interesting as hell, actually. Two, I just read that the head of the Irish Catholic Church is apologizing for helping to cover up a case of pedophilia. What in the hell??? Now this has nothing to do with being Catholic, Protestant, Muslim or Raelian...whatever you are .. but how do you sleep at night??? Some rando priest is abusing his power and decidedly abusing young children and you help him cover that up? Are you fucking kidding me?!?! And puh-leez...this is not the first sex scandal that I've read about recently, a lot of cases are from 10+ years this is not a recent phenomenon. Please don't give me all that modern times and modern problems, sex is everywhere, kids these days...mumble-jumble.. No Sire-y Bob!

I's seeing a consistent problem here...anyone else? So the heads of the Catholic Church are not allowed to engage in sexual activity, right?
....repressed sexuality......unhealthy sexuality....hmmmm...*cough friggedy cough**
Someone please get these men a blow-up doll or something so they'll stop touching your children!!!

1 comment:

  1. its an imperfect world, with imperfect people.
    it sucks, a lot.
