Wednesday, August 11, 2010


When I was in high school my mom started a Gratitude Journal - she heard about it from one of those new-agey spirituality books she reads. Since then, she has from time to time mentioned that I should do the same. I never liked the idea because it made me feel self centered, to harp over all that I have... but at the same time it helps me to really appreciate what I have and acknowledge that appreciation. And knowing just how fortunate I am punctuates the fact that I have a duty to share what I have, an obligation to use what I have for someone's betterment... perhaps part of that feeling 'grateful' is the idea of wanting to share it, and to share it you need to help people achieve whatever it is your grateful for - be it health, happiness, peace... at 2am that makes sense in my head... 

It's the 'new moon' [chandraat] tonight, so perhaps it's the lunar change, or maybe my hormones are out of whack again... But today, after spending a day alone to ponder the last few weeks, the last few months, and all the ups and downs I've experienced professionally, spiritually, emotionally I feel like projecting my gratitude out there into the world.

I am so grateful for my family. I have interesting relationships with my parents, but I think we are finally on the same page.
I am happy to report that my brother and I are closer than we've ever been.

I am grateful for the wonderful friends I have - they are my constant support and they aren't afraid to call me out on my bs, Thank You. I am grateful to the handful of people who get my lame jokes and laugh even when they don't - you're a "special" bunch.

I am grateful for the internet and how despite the bad rap it gets sometimes, it helps me stay close to the people I care about...but are sometimes too far away for a hug. So they get virtual ones :)

I am grateful for my health and sanity. As long as I have these, I can keep on trekking.

I am grateful for William - a man I met for 10 minutes in a store. Thank you for telling me the story about your daughter. Those ten minutes taught me more about the world than any book I've read or lecture I've attended.

I am grateful that I live in a place where heart wrenching stories are stories, where disasters and war zones are pictures and words and not reality.

I am grateful that I have the power to do something, anything, to help. And at every corner there is not only an opportunity to do good, but to see good.

I am grateful for ice cream, it makes my world, go 'round.

I am grateful for that moment of bliss when I'm walking in the pouring rain and my mind is a complete blank except for the humming of the rain coming down. And I have the goofiest smile on my face because I am just so happy and I don't care that people are watching the crazy wet girl walk home.

I am grateful for chance meetings, fb messages, finding cute messages written on ticket stubs, Mr.Braffenstein the giraffe, my nail polish collection (aka the greatest de-stressor of life!).

And tonight I am grateful for the purple slippers that Aruzo got for me - now that's a 'warm fuzzy' from camp that I'll be holding on to!

Goodnight world.

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