Friday, November 28, 2014

A revolutionary act

We live and love in an ever changing world. We have so many options and choices and pretty much nothing is constant anymore. Friends, jobs, families, interests - all go through ebbs and flows and move with the tide of the time. 

In settings that are ever changing, I think it is a beautiful thing when one makes a concerted effort to focus their energies on building and sustaining the connective tissues that bring people together. I do not claim to speak for anyone but myself and I am not attempting to judge the various ways in which people engage in care and love and relationships and their expressions. I, however, think monogamy can be a beautiful ode to love.

My personal choice to live amid chaos but at the end of the day focus energies on maintaining a meaningful relationship is integral to how I want to live my life. The inspiration to consistently work on a relationship as lives change speaks to how I want to achieve larger personal goals. I want to live and love according to guiding principles that slow down the chaos of life and focus on meaning. Focus on inter-dependent care, focus on empathy, community building and sharing.

And I choose to be successful in these goals by always coming back to a place in my life where I am able to slow down and savour someone. And if that means my focus is on one particular person with whom I can untangle life's complexities and learn from and grow alongside - that seems like a pretty fantastic way to play out my life. 

"Making our life a meditation upon the person we love is a revolutionary act." 

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