Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Prepare yourself for the long haul

This morning's horoscope inspired me to post today...

Overnight success is a seductive dream, but in reality it happens about as often as being dealt a royal flush. Don’t shy away from that elaborate plan because it’s going to require dedication and hard work. Prepare yourself for the long haul, and the results will justify your efforts.

I'm more of a grassroots, little picture, baby steps kind of girl. But I have one teeny tiny problem - I am "big picture" shy. I cannot think of the bigger picture, I cannot look that far into the future. I think small. I think 'how can I make this better right now?' If for some reason the effects reverberate into the future, so be it. But I have a problem thinking that far ahead. The could be many reasons for this, none of which I'd like to divulge right now. But anyways...I have this plan. And this is an exception - my plan for this plan, is to not really delve into the plan [for the plan] for a Lonnnng time. It's something that was a fleeting image in the back of my mind, an outline of sorts, something that wouldn't have or shouldn't have, rather, materialized for at least a decade. But alas! You meet people. Haha I just realized how much it sounds like I'm planning my wedding...but no.

I have a plan, and it wouldn't be the first time that someone has said to me, "Why wait? Just start now.". But this would be the first time that I have taken those words this seriously. The girl with my unborn daughter's name (lol) was just too logical about all the reasons why I shouldn't wait that I was out of rebuttals. I can no longer rationalize and justify Not Acting to myself today.

What comes now? A plan. A few meetings. A clearer vision. A realistic time line...I need to figure out how on earth I will budget time in the next few months to even think about the new idea.
And in the end, we'll see what happens. But for the first time I have to think about the BIG picture. I have to think "How will this materialize in the next 5 years?" ...yikes!

Stay tuned for a sneak preview of next week's "Days of Our Lives - Naila Edition". Haha could not resist, I was having a moment.

Good morning!

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