Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Good Morning

You can't go away
Just to come back the same
Girl, you can't go away
Just to come back the same
---Better Sorry Than Safe by Two Hours Traffic (great song!)

Today I'm grateful for a lot of things. I'm grateful that the past 2 months have tried and tested by last nerve, my short fuse, my last teardrop. I'm grateful that I hit a new low, only to look up and find a new ledge upon which I could rest for a while. I'm grateful that I didn't get what I wanted, when I wanted it, so I could finally realise just what it was that I needed. Yes, corny, but so true.

It has taken a long time to get to where I am this morning and it has been a tough road, for those of you who have been around for the ride. Okay, okay, I'm feeling corny and sappy and somewhat unoriginal this morning, too. But anyways... I know that recently, when it has all decidedly 'come down around me', I was reluctant, almost angered when asked to accept the phrase "it all happens for a reason". But today I realised why I needed to go through the recent string of unfortunate events... and the string of oh-so-great-oh-so-much-fun-i-love-you-all-and-the-ground-you-walk-on events. hey led me to many a realisation, rekindling old friendships, meeting new people, having new experiences, writing new speeches (on the spot ones lol), having new experiences, questioning myself, dusting myself off to find a new and improved version has been rough, but in retrospect, rough in the most beautiful way.

P.S. Here is what I'm happy about today:
- My new ginseng tea (with honey)
- Watching Sharik say "buh bye" to the little boy for the umpteenth time (cuter every time)
- My deepened laugh lines
- My new brown leggings
- Sehar, the only consistent lunch date in my life, and one of the best people to ever happen to me (yes, she 'happened' to me, and I'm still in awe that she has the ability to handle me week after week and even miss me!)
- The sweet mix of fear and excitement that is bubbling over in me when I think about the possibilities, new directions, failures, constructive criticism and successes of the next two weeks. (Bring on the camp planning sessions!!!)
- The Morning Glory notebook I'm going to start writing in soon
- Sam, who knows how to make me smile and will only throw cabbage at me, if that is indeed my weapon of choice because he's all about the equal treatment of women and all that jazz hahaha
- 7am showers that start at 8
- My mom and her cute new haircut

Love love love :)


  1. yay! I'm in this!!! I LOVE YOU!

    p.s. Leggings are NOT pants!!! I will buy you a skirt to cover up your assets!

  2. I love you too. Leggings are the second best thing to happen to me:)

  3. :) thanks u big cutie! I feel so loved now! :D

    Sam btw! :p
