Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Welcome to my love exhibition

Hi there,

Sometimes I like hanging up and letting our conversation wash over me; I fall asleep happy.

Last night after we hung up I stayed awake for a bit. I came across a post that read, “Nothing haunts us like the things we don’t say”. Mitch Albom said it first. Here’s an idea I can appreciated. It’s something the women in my family have taught me - always tell the people you care about how you feel, you never know what may happen. Unfortunately, I have had moments where I kick myself thinking, I wish I had told….if only I had  said… I could have… I wish…

Today I renew my vow to an idea my mother taught me years ago. Today I commit to making a concerted effort to be more self-aware, to pay no heed to momentary shyness and embarrassment and make it a point to share how I feel.

Yes, this was brought on by something I read. But more importantly, it made me think of You. And it made me think about the people I love and cherish and care for deeply. I want to honour the emotional connections I continue to nurture and build.

I want to beckon love like a firefly in a bottle, even if only for a moment, even if I have to then watch it float away on a night sky backdrop.

Welcome to my love exhibition.